South Africa Photography


September 27, 2018

"Across vast oceans we congregate and set out to explore the landscape before us. Hiking in these mountains and settling in for a cool and clear evening catching up and sharing tales at Agtertafelberg Hut."

Traversing continents and crossing well into the Southern Hemisphere, I jumped at the chance to get out in the mountains of South Africa’s Western Cape Province and lay eyes on a new landscape.

Looking up to possibly the last late spring dusting of snow on nearby peaks and passing flowers in full bloom, this hike marks a crossroad of the seasons giving way to the warm days of summer ahead.

Across vast oceans we congregate and set out to explore the landscape before us. Hiking in these mountains and settling in for a cool and clear evening catching up and sharing tales at Agtertafelberg Hut.

Awaking to sub zero temperatures and a valley blanketed in a healthy frost, the morning sun brings warmth to the day and illuminates this diverse and rugged landscape. Making our way out and down to the coast, the temperature will hit 30 degrees and we will stand barefoot where the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge capturing surfing on an afternoon shoot.

Regardless of the location, time exploring and sharing solitude in the mountains is always a worthwhile endeavour.